About Us

The Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) conserves and manages Kenya’s wildlife for the Kenyan people and the world.

It is a state corporation that was established by an Act of Parliament (Cap 376), now repealed by WCMA (2013), with the mandate to conserve and manage wildlife in Kenya, and to enforce related laws and regulations.
KWS undertakes conservation and management of wildlife resources across all protected areas systems in collaboration with stakeholders. It is our goal to work with others to conserve, protect and sustainably manage wildlife resources. The community wildlife program of KWS in collaboration with others encourages biodiversity conservation by communities living on land essential to wildlife, such as wildlife corridors and dispersal lands outside parks and reserves. The premise is that " if people benefit from wildlife and other natural resources, then they will take care of these resources.”


To conserve Kenya’s wildlife and its habitats for posterity.


To sustainably manage Kenya’s wildlife and it’s habitats for the benefit of nature and humanity.

Core Values

“Passion, Professionalism, Innovation, and Quality”


  • Conservation: Commitment to conservation leadership

  • Collaboration: Enhance partnerships with stakeholders

  • Enterprise: Develop mechanisms for financial sustainability


We shall provide our customers with:

  • High quality and secure parks.

  • Wildlife conservation education - publication and information about wildlife in a form suitable for and accessible to all.

  • Sustainable wildlife population.

  • Protection of agriculture and animal husbandry against destruction of wildlife.

  • Data and information service to scientific, advisory and consultancy organizations involved in wildlife conservation.

  • Professional services in a friendly, responsive and professional environment.


  • Formulate policies regarding the conservation, management and utilisation of all types of fauna and flora (excluding domestic animals).

  • Manage national parks and game reserves.

  • Provide wildlife conservation, education and extension services to create public awareness and support for wildlife policies.

  • Strive to achieve the competence and fairness in the care and development of the parks and reserves through conduct of research, deliberate acquisition, use and dissemination of relevant information from research and other sources.

  • Administer and coordinate international protocols, conventions and treaties regarding wildlife in all its aspects.

Our Customers

Our customers may be involved or participate in or represent any or all of the critical areas of tourism such as recreation, marine and conservation. They include:

  • Individuals, groups, governments and private organisations that use the national game parks and reserves for tourism, recreation, and research.

  • Individuals, groups or organisations that have any level of interest in or impact on the development and conservation of wildlife.


  • Conserve and manage national parks, wildlife conservation areas, and sanctuaries under its jurisdiction;
  • Provide security for wildlife and visitors in national parks, wildlife conservation areas and sanctuaries;
  • Set up a county wildlife conservation committee in respect of each county;
  • Promote or undertake commercial and other activities for the purpose of achieving sustainable wildlife conservation;
  • Collect revenue and charges due to the national government from wildlife and, as appropriate, develop mechanisms for benefit sharing with communities living in wildlife areas;
  • Develop mechanisms for benefit sharing with communities living in wildlife areas;
  • Advise the cabinet department on matters pertaining to wildlife policy, strategy and legislation.
  • Coordinate the preparation and implementation of ecosystem plans;
  • Prepare and implement national park management plans;
  • Assist and advise in the preparation of management plans for community and private wildlife conservancies and sanctuaries;
  • Undertake and conduct enforcement activities such as anti- poaching operations, wildlife protection,  intelligence  gathering, investigations and other enforcement activities for the effective carrying out of the provisions of this act;
  • Conduct and co-ordinate, all research activities in the field of wildlife conservation and management and ensure application of research findings in conservation planning, implementation and decision making;
  • Advise the national land commission, the cabinet secretary and the council on the establishment of national parks, wildlife conservancies and sanctuaries;
  • Promote and undertake extension service programmes intended to enhance wildlife conservation, education and training;
  • Identify user rights and advise the cabinet secretary thereon;
  • Grant permits;
  • Establish forensic laboratories.
  • KWS manages about 8 per cent of the total landmass of the country. This land contains 23 National Parks, 28 National Reserves and 4 National Sanctuaries.  Also under KWS management are 4 Marine National Parks and 6 Marine National Reserves at the Coast. In addition, KWS manages 125 field stations outside protected areas.   
  • Beyond wildlife habitats, the parks and stations feature office and residential blocks, training institutes, workshop areas, research centres, bandas, hotels, shops and restaurants, boreholes, road networks, airstrips and related plants and equipment.
  • Tourism is the second largest sector of Kenya’s economy. Wildlife managed by KWS forms the backbone of Kenya’s tourism industry, since most visitors come above all to view wildlife. 
  • The tourism industry accounts for 21 per cent of total foreign exchange earnings and 12 per cent of GDP.  KWS accounts for 90 per cent of safari tourism and about 75 per cent of total tourist earnings. 
  • Vision 2030:  KWS is a key enabler and one of the key implementing agencies for Vision 2030 flagship projects. 
  • Tourism Marketing and recovery strategy: Premier Parks Initiative which involve branding of the most popular parks with the aim of offering high quality experience at premium rates;
  • Under-utilized parks initiative: KWS continues to expand and rehabilitate facilities and infrastructure in its parks including bed capacity through investments into less frequented parks.
  • Transport Infrastructure:  As an agency of the Kenya Roads Board, KWS is charged with the task of developing and maintaining roads within the National Parks and Reserves. 
  • Development of niche products: Eco tourism, Cultural tourism, bird tourism etc. 
  • Other tourism development strategies include: Domestic tourism promotion, improved customer services, roads infrastructure development. 
  • Economic development and multiplier effects in other industries: Tourism provides multiplier effects in agriculture, horticulture, transport and communications.
  • KWS also helps communities outside protected areas develop tourism and other ventures, bringing critically needed jobs and income to rural areas.
  • The Kenya Wildlife Service continues to strengthen the approach of science- driven wildlife conservation and management. These approaches include: monitoring of wildlife health through continuous disease surveillance and control; 
  • Genetic resources: By protecting habitat and wildlife, KWS also conserves genetic resources that could be used to develop new or improved food crops, medications, and other products.  For instance, wild plants related to food crops may have genes that increase drought, flood or salt tolerance. Biotechnologists can use such genes to make important crops more resilient.  
  • Environmental assessments: to ensure sustainable management of wildlife and their habitats for posterity.
  • Restoration of ecosystems: forest conservation and water towers conservation. The 10 marine parks and reserves that KWS manages are critical breeding areas for sea life, sustaining the country’s fishing industry
  • Translocations: Wildlife translocation is used as a tool for to mitigate challenges such as human-wildlife conflict, the management of carrying capacities of particular areas and maximising genetic variety.
  • Species Conservation: to protect and ensure survival of particular endangered species. 
  • Bio-prospecting: enhanced efforts on biotechnology include: strategy for conservation and management for aloe species in Kenya as well as the identification, discovery and characterization of useful compounds, DNA extracts, genes and microbes from wildlife.
  • International Arena: Coordination of biodiversity related multi-lateral environmental agreements (MEAS), formation of the African Elephant Coalition and CITES convention.
  • Water: KWS is responsible for managing and protecting the critical water catchments of Mt Kenya, the Aberdares, Mt. Elgon, Chyulu, and Marsabit. In addition, KWS is involved in efforts to protect and restore the Mau Forest in collaboration with other national agencies.
  • Energy: KWS safeguards the source of much of our nation’s energy. Some 70 per cent of Kenya’s electricity comes from hydroelectric dams. Most of these are sited on the Tana River, which flows from Mt. Kenya and Aberdare National Parks. The second largest source is the Turkwell Gorge, in Nasolot National Reserve. Geothermal power is generated in Hell’s Gate National Park.
  • National security:  KWS is a disciplined and uniformed force, supplementing national security. KWS protects wildlife, people, and property.
  • Review of wildlife-related policy and legislation: With its wealth of experience on the ground, KWS contributes to policy on land, tourism, fisheries, forest conservation, water and environmental management.
  • International conventions: Kenya is a signatory to a number of environmental conventions and protocols. As the designated national authority on wildlife, KWS is called upon to interpret international conventions, adapt them to local conditions, and implement them in Kenya. 
  • Contribution to National Security: KWS is mandated to protect wildlife, people, property and resources of the country. As a disciplined and uniformed service, KWS is supplementing national security.
  • Combating Wildlife Crime:  We have put in place proactive, preventive and reactive measures to enhance the safety of wildlife. Ground and aerial patrolstargeting poachers and to provide security for wildlife, wildlife habitats and tourists.                      
  • Specialised units such as the canine unit which has tracker dogs being deployed successfully in active operations to track bandits/poachers and also sniffer dogs at airports and at the port are a powerful disincentive to potential ivory or rhino horn traffickers. SEAL unit in Security Division which is a unit specialised in rapidly responding to emerging security threats to wildlife.
  • Building synergies with stakeholders to enhance the conservation and protection of our natural resources. These include Kenya Police, Kenya Airports Authority, Kenya Ports Authority, the Judiciary, Kenya Forest Service, National Intelligence Service, Criminal Investigation Department, and Lusaka Agreement Taskforce (LATF) among others. 
  • Cross-border wildlife security collaborative initiatives were pursued with Tanzania and Uganda Wildlife Authorities
  • Review of wildlife-related policy and legislation: With its wealth of experience on the ground, KWS contributes to policy on land, tourism, fisheries, forest conservation, water and environmental management.
  • International conventions: Kenya is a signatory to a number of environmental conventions and protocols. As the designated national authority on wildlife, KWS is called upon to interpret international conventions, adapt them to local conditions, and implement them in Kenya. 
  • Combating Wildlife Crime:  We have put in place proactive, preventive and reactive measures to enhance the safety of wildlife. Ground and aerial patrols targeting poachers and to provide security for wildlife, wildlife habitats and tourists. 
  • Strategies: Building synergies with stakeholders to enhance the conservation and protection of our natural resources. These include police, customs Kenya Airports Authority, Judiciary, Kenya Forest Service Officers.